MaryBetts Sinclair
Natural Vision Coach
Massage Instructor
"While this book (Hydrotherapy for Bodyworkers) is aimed at the bodyworker who already has a grasp of anatomy and physiology, I will be recommending it to my lay hydrotherapy students. It is more than a text that you learn from and then leave on the shelf. I can see myself, my students and my colleagues, using this as a reference for years to come. Thank you MaryBetts, for writing this valuable summation of hydrotherapy knowledge, and thank you to Handspring Publishing for turning it into an attractive, easy-to-use and sturdy book. "
Bruce Thompson, physical therapist, Cardiff, Australia
Classes with MaryBetts Sinclair weave together the hands-on experience of massage therapists, information culled from hundreds of hours of reviewing the latest scientific research, visual aids such as handouts and slide shows, and plenty of hands-on demonstration and practice. Students are encouraged to ask questions and actively expand both their knowledge base and their practical skills. All classes meet NCBTMB standards, and can be used for Continuing Education credits.
Her new 14 hour Pediatric Massage class is generally offered as a weekend class, and her 7 hour Advanced Abdominal Massage class can be offered either on the Friday before or the Monday after the pediatric class. The class in Massage for Children with Special Needs can also be offered as a stand-alone class.
What arrangement will work best for your institution?
For information about availability and financial and other arrangements, please contact MaryBetts. MaryBetts Sinclair is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork as a continuing education provider, since 2007. Provider #450519-07
Learning how to do foot-soaks --a class for MomJo Spas - Jakarta.
Parent class, Ilsan, South Korea
Massage class for children with disabilities - Oaxaca, Mexico