MaryBetts Sinclair
Natural Vision Coach
Massage Instructor
"While this book (Hydrotherapy for Bodyworkers) is aimed at the bodyworker who already has a grasp of anatomy and physiology, I will be recommending it to my lay hydrotherapy students. It is more than a text that you learn from and then leave on the shelf. I can see myself, my students and my colleagues, using this as a reference for years to come. Thank you MaryBetts, for writing this valuable summation of hydrotherapy knowledge, and thank you to Handspring Publishing for turning it into an attractive, easy-to-use and sturdy book. "
Bruce Thompson, physical therapist, Cardiff, Australia
MaryBetts Sinclair teaches classes to professional massage therapists in three areas: Hydrotherapy, Vision and the Bodyworker and Injury Prevention

Note: The discount voucher code is HYDRO24, valid through
December 31, 2024
MaryBetts Sinclair is a massage instructor, researcher, author and natural vision coach. Since 1975, Sinclair has taught a wide variety of bodywork classes to thousands of professional massage therapists and laypeople. Her textbooks have been translated into many languages and are used by many excellent massage schools and educational programs.
An updated and expanded version of the classic, Modern Hydrotherapy for the Massage Therapist, has just been published by Handspring Publishing of Edinburgh, Scotland. Now entitled Hydrotherapy for Bodyworkers, the new edition contains updated scientific research, new hydrotherapy treatments, and new sections on many conditions and problems from musculoskeletal problems such as athletic injuries to serious health problems such as diabetes and cancer. Many new case histories are also included. The book is now in full color, with the beautiful artistic design and meticulous attention to detail for which Handspring is known. www.handspringpublishing.com
A review of Hydrotherapy For Bodyworkers:
" I taught hydrotherapy to students at Uchee Pines Institute from 1994 until my retirement in 2020.. I mostly used 'Hydrotherapy for Students and Practitioners of Medicine' by George Abbott, MD. for the basic hydrotherapy text. However, this text by MaryBetts Sinclair is so extensive I have learned quite a bit myself while reviewing it. If used in class to teach therapists, they will then have it handy in their practice for the amazing number of conditions, diseases and injuries that are covered, with the recommended treatments so well described and illustrated."
Helena Tolis, RN, Uchee Pines Institute, Seale, Alabama
Learn -- New Online Classes with MaryBetts (see class schedule)
Read -- Latest Articles By MaryBetts
"I feel my tension begin to melt away-how water treatments increase the effectiveness of bodywork"
https://blog.singingdragon.com/ March 12, 2024
"Humidity and Bodywork"
ABMP PODCAST 2021 Interview about hydrotherapy with MaryBetts :
(copy and paste this link:
More about MaryBetts' Work:
Check out MaryBett's Natural Vision Improvement class
Keep Those Peepers Moving: Why Juggling is Good for the Eyes
The Eyes Have it: Your Vision May Be Causing You Chronic Tension – appears in the 2013 Summer issue of Body Sense Magazine
Environmental Costs of Pain Management – pharmaceuticals versus physical therapies – appears in the Sept/October 2015 issue of Integrative Medicine, page 38l